Monday 29 July 2013

Passion for Plumbing

Thurs 25 and Fri 26 July 2013

Simon arrived very bright and early and got straight into fixings and pipings.  We helped where we could and hindered as little as possible, and the house filled up with strong primary reds and blues, a bit of a shock to the eyes after wood and earth and rock.

 Dave took on the drilling through concrete, here creating a pipe run into the utility space

 The first fixings - shower taps

 Dave 'un-digging' his gravel trench, to lay the poo pipe.  
Not so hard in clean gravel as it was the first time

 Simon at work in the bathroom ...

 ... creating a symphony of plastic in our eco-house -but what options are there?

 At last, excitement, fittings for the loo in place, water in, poo pipe out.

 The really hard trench to dig that half-killed Dave.  The run from the gravel trench over to the soakaway.  I got the easy job and went shopping for more bits in Lefkas

Laying the poo pipe.  The umbrella is pretty useless and looking slightly drunk.

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