Sunday 28 July 2013

Glamping it up

I'd forgotten there was a modern buzz word for glamorous camping: 'glamping'.  It seems that is what we are doing, with our posh roof, and proper mattress and bed support.  This is how July progressed:

Week 1 - 7 July 2013

 Quick update on the chickens - both still alive and well, and adapting comfortably to life on a building site.  They're going to be a bit shocked when we eventually have walls and they are banned from their favourite cool resting places.

 Here's my front doorstep shape drawn out in stone, ready for a front row of bricks to hold in the mortar slab.  It is generally known as the kidney bean.

 Hurrah!  New delivery of stone to continue the walls.

 Aerial view of band practice in the music room.  The boys are meeting twice a week and getting pretty good at their small but exquisite set.

 Upstairs, Rowan has finished the bannisters around the stair well - not that we have any stairs yet - but at least we can't fall down the hole when groping around for the ladder with legs crossed in the middle of the night!

 This is the end curve of the balcony - designed to extend the floor space to include the best aperture for an intended window - the view is in the pic below.

Rowan starts work on the stairs - v. exciting.

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