Monday 29 July 2013

Concrete corner

Saturday to Monday 27, 28, 29 July 2013

Another gig for the boys on Saturday, at a Charity do up the hill in Paleokatuna.  Much fun was had by all.  I don't know how Dave is holding out at the moment: he practices twice a week, performs at least once and digs trenches all day in the heat.  Note to self - make him take a holiday. 

This is the bottom step of the stairs, made out of three oak boards and a piece of roundwood at the front.  This will disappear into the floor, but the curving edge will be visible.

The above step out of position on the bench

 Horrors!  Concrete in the corner.  Simon wants the job done, no time to wait for limecrete, so we agreed to a small concrete slab to lay the few paving stones needed to fix the toilet down.

 The shower tray, needed to finalise the plumbing, even tho' we won't be needing this one for a while as we can still easily use the one in the shed, no rush to tile.

 The flight of stairs from the ground floor, complete with noses and lowest step in oak.  Even the cat seems impressed.

 The paving slabs in place, just enough room to bolt down the toilet, the rest will be done in limecrete.

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