Monday 29 July 2013

Hard times

Tuesday 23 and Weds 24 July 2013

Rowan needed hardwood noses for the front of the soft pine steps, and we had been directed to a little woodyard in the back of beyond where the locals took their felled trees, so the three of us set off to find some indigenous hardwood.  This was Tuesday, as Dave was skippering on Monday.

The woodyard was awesome.  There were chickens everywhere - definitely de rigueur for building sites and workshops round here, but he also had a pregnant goat in a pen at the back, and the biggest oldest, British-made engine for turning his bandsaw.

This is the wood we came away with.  Some pieces of scrub oak, which grows everywhere on our land and hereabouts, to cut up for the tread noses; and several pieces of broadleaf oak to replace our threshholds - which have all got threaded bar with nuts and washers standing several centimetres clear of the proposed floor level.  We also got two long wide pieces of cypress for the areas where the ringbeam is in open floor.  Lots more work for Rowan. 

On the same trip to Lefkas, we met up with Simon Plumber and collected all the plumbing equipment we need to put hot and cold feeds through the house.  That happens on Thursday and Friday - what fun!  We also bought the toilet - taa raa!

The following day, in a break from digging out pipe trenches, Dave spotted a little stoat-type creature nosing out of the rockpile.  We watched it dart about, trying to get into the chicken run, flicking back into the rocks, reappearing; gave me long enough to reach for the camera and set it on repeating shots, which allowed me to capture these two pics of the little fella trapped inside the chicken run - once he'd found a way in - and before he worked out how to get out again.

Here's our pipe run, all along the back of the central section of the house.  Dave was impressed with the efficiency of the layout - 'it's almost as if it was planned' he said.  I just fumed!

Rowan continued hard at work throughout...

 ... and the band went on in the Tree Bar again - hard work for Dave after a day's pickaxing.

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