Saturday 29 June 2013

Solstice Party

Friday 21 June 2013

It's nice to have an excuse for a party - and we had several.  Mainly, the boys in the band wanted some easy public exposure - and although this had happened impromptu the week before, we had already arranged and invited for this one, so it was going ahead.  The other reasons were the solstice - always nice to celebrate celestial events when you live under the stars; and the very nearly full moon, apparently at it's closest to Earth for some time - this is important when you intend to party in a building site without much lighting.

So we did a little bit of edging and levelled the ground by the drystone wall, so the barbeques could be nearby but not actually that close to our wooden (flammable) structure.

 I finally collected the old tables Jessica had offered us from Mamma Mia - unfortunately they had spent the winter with their legs in a flooded basement, and had grown some exciting fungus, which had to be sliced off.

 Then people started to arrive, and we had to contrive enough seating.  The workbench was turned into the bar

Then the band started up and went on until it was too dark for photos, and we all had a really good time, even getting in a bit of dancing on the gravel floor

And so the house hosted its first party, and it all went very well, thanks largely to the robust spirit of our friends, who didn't mind the primitive toilet facilities, uneven floors, lack of walls and all the other inconveniences.  

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