Wednesday 23 March 2011

Tap Water - what luxury!

Friday 5 March 2011

It was still raining, hurrah!  Off and on, anyway.  So we continued. 

Dave had to reopen the back of the shed to fix the leaking shower fittings.  This filled him with a calm sense of peace and fulfilment (?)
I built some shelves over the loo to move nails and screws out of the truck.
Dave finally made water fall out of the tap (rather than the pipe joints) - what luxury, no more visits to the standpipe to fill the kettle.
I brought this storage box from the apartment to see whether it would fit in the projected wardrobe space.  Look at that - magical!  The universe is unfolding as it should when something fits that neatly.  The metal to the left is the wheel arch, and therefore not easily shifted left a centimetre or two!

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