Monday 21 March 2011

Stripping Out

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Two days hard graft in the boatyard, then it rained steadily on Wednesday.  The boatyard in the rain is not an option - the boats are slippery, the ladders are slipperier, rain gets in the boats, mud gets on the boots, boots get left out in the rain, socks get wet, feet get cold, every tool you need is somewhere else, and I'm not even going to mention the electric supply ...

So we decided to start stripping out the van.  Or, at least, I did.  Dave had plumbing to attend to.

We decided to start at the back of the truck and work forwards.  Lifting the bed base revealed a couple of disused mice nests in the polystyrene insulation.  This went some way towards explaining the interesting smell.

The polystyrene came out in chunks, leaving a snowfall of staticly clinging pellets.  I swept and washed and bleached and swept and bleached some more.

Dave, meanwhile, was discovering that any plumbing joint made with locally available connections has a life of its own.  It may seem not to leak ... until the next day, or the day after that.  Any amount of PTFE tape will not make a difference.  Every fitting is slightly differently sized.  They will leak in the most awkward areas and inaccessible places ...

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