Thursday 31 March 2011

In the Dumps over the Digger

Saturday 12 March 2011

We put in a morning in the yard, having skived Friday, and got to the land about 1 ish.  On the way down the track, for the first time, we met a vehicle coming the other way – and not just any vehicle: this was a huge six-wheel truck with lifting gear.  It turned out to be the delivery truck for the soak-away, two big concrete rings to be buried six metres down.  All that concrete in our land, not happy about it.  This is what we saw when we got to the bottom of the lane.  Not a bobcat.

Michael and Alison had been taken by surprise as well, they’d expected the bobcat, but the Greek friend organising it had decided this would be better.  It went on for what seemed like hours.  I got very stressed, and eventually decided to go and tell them to stop and go away, but just as I got there, they were stopping anyway.  The whole area inside M&A’s enclosure (they’d put up fencing to corral the kids and dogs) was churned up mud and soil. 

To soothe the soul, I went foraging in the woodland, and found all these wild asparagus shoots.  They’re delicious, you can eat them raw.
We also decided it was time to inaugurate the electrical devices.  The batteries were charging nicely, so it was time to plug in the loo, and put a bottle into the fridge.

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