Sunday 29 December 2019

Tidying ourself up

5-6 December 2019

The weather turned wet, so we still can't use the new track.  Meanwhile, on the grey days, between spells of drizzle, we work on the 'front of the house' - as it will be known when the track becomes passable.

 Dave starts installing the guttering downspout at the front door - spot the deliberate mistake - recognised just before it was too late.

 After moving the ladder (he he!), Dave finished the run into the ground water drain.  We will eventually find a way to save this water, but for now, it means we don't have to dodge a waterfall from the roof between the path and the front door on rainy days.

 I cleared and strimmed the area of bank between the top of the slope, where the car will go, and the front of the house.  This has always been a dumping ground for wood and metal that might eventually find a use, but as it hasn't, now needs to go to recycling or the bonfire.

 Another bat found its way into the Solarium overnight, and exhausted itself so much I was able to sneak a photo lying on the mat, before letting it out into the night.

 Next day, Panos and Dmitri come to help, taking on the annual limewashing job

Dave, being in plumbing mode, moved on to digging a trench to carry rainwater from the back of the roof to the two 2,000 litre tanks by the north fence.

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