Sunday 29 December 2019

Disappointing crops

18 December 2019

We're not growing very much at this time of year, although we have tried a few things. 

We planted cabbages, cauliflower and broccoli, but only the red cabbages are surviving slug attack, and they are not so cheerful, either.  We put carrot, parsnip and turnip seeds in the new raised beds, but everything was eaten except some turnips in one of the beds.  Dave transplanted a few seedlings to thin them out, but those got eaten too.  Slug defences will be required, when we start serious growing.

We tipped out a pot that has had turmeric in it for about three years, expecting a massive yield, but it was extremely skimpy.  Obviously year-round neglect has stressed it out too much. 

 The flourishing turnip bed.  But whenever we move any seedlings to the other bed, they disappear.

 The turmeric harvest.  Not impressive.

But the artichokes are looking healthy, and the salad bed is very happy, with rocket, parsley and a little kale providing winter greens straight from the ground.

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