Friday 31 May 2019

We flee to the mountains!

12 May 2019

When we cleared the living room, taking out tools and our huge and unwieldy collection of wood offcuts, to make room I brought into the house all the books, dvds, fabrics and other miscellany that had been boxed up eight years ago.

So while the floor was being sanded, there was an opportunity to start organising and disposing of things, and once the sanding finished, to wipe down every item and find a place for each one.  A major undertaking, but satisfying in its way, especially as old treasures were unearthed, or unnecessary stuff sorted for recycling.

 The 'Linen Cupboard' - everything behind the ironing board needs clearing and re-housing so I can install my sewing table.

 The 'Library' - looking neat, but a lot of papers to be filed and other miscellany are cluttering the studio just behind, all of which need to be found a home out here.

 The freshly sanded and hoovered living room, is off limits except in socks or leaping from rug to rug.  The heavy-duty varnish needed for a floor covering is pretty unpleasant, so we decided to run away to the mountains for three days.

 On Rowan's advice we booked in at this world class eco-hotel near the Vikos Gorge in the Pindos Mountains of Northern Greece, and it was fabulous.  The rainy weather for the first two days just helped us relax.

 On day three the weather cleared and we had a wonderful walk along this relatively benign stretch of the lower gorge.

 And what a joy to come back to!  The living room all ready for us to inhabit it. 

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