Friday 27 April 2018

The Worms arrive

16 April 2018

We left this a long time, but we were under the weather with sniffles after coming back from the UK, and actually, I just forgot that we had bought a worm composting bin with compost and worms.  This was another development following on from the Z bar Bio/Eco weekend - we met a couple who are trying to introduce 'vermicomposting' to restaurants and tavernas on a commercial scale.  I hope it works out.

We bought a bin.  We wanted one that would be easy to move (out of the heat/ into the warmth depending on the time of year) and easy to harvest.  We bought ours at the same time as some friends: Sue and Barry, and as the worms were due to arrive while we were away, S&B agreed to look after ours until we were back.

We made contact, and went round to help Barry load our bin on to his trailer, and he followed us home, but as he drove into the field, the bottom of our bin popped open and deposited all our compost and worms on the floor of the trailer.  Easy enough to shovel everything back in, but the fresh food scraps are supposed to be a layer on top, not mixed in, so it might confuse our worms.  But I expect they'll get used to it.

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