Friday 27 April 2018

Central Mezzanine ceiling done

23 - 25 April 2018

Plodding on with the ceiling boards, we finished the six rafter spaces over the upstairs landing and stairwell on Weds 25th.  Thursday is our volunteering and shopping in Lefkas day, with lunch at Z bar, home for a quick sleep, then back at 4.30 for choir practice, so it was good to finish on Weds.

On Friday we'll start in the studio, with four panel spaces to complete before the end of the month.  This is our own self-imposed deadline, as we are committing May to the boat, which has been sitting neglected in the boatyard since October.  May is a bit hot for the yard, but it needs to be done, and then we can launch and perhaps have a few days away at sea at the end of the month.

 A panel in progress - batons fitted, wiring managed.  Awaiting insulation and then panelling.

Four completed panels from the left, one (pale green) stuffed with insulation, and one still to go (only just visible behind the bannisters).
Finished!  Weds 25th.

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