Friday 27 April 2018

Bigger Water Hotter

6 April 2018

Back from the UK, sleep up to date, volunteering day out of the way ... it was time to continue the job Dave had started before we left: installing the new bigger solar water heater.  While we were away the lime mortared base blocks had had a chance to set, so we decided to try to move first the panel, and then the tank into position. 

With only the two of us here to do the heavy lifting, I didn't think it would be possible.  But taking it slowly, and using ropes to get a grip, we managed to person-handle the enormous panel into position.  Then we did it all again with the (empty) tank - which, even so, was rather heavy and we only just managed to lift it to shoulder height and get it on the rack.  Dave then screwed everything together, to make it safe.

Meanwhile, after the heavy-lifting trauma, I sidled off to the workbench and made a small but very useful spice rack for the kitchen, by way of therapy.

 The panel, nearly in position, at the point where we didn't believe it would fit the frame

 I got a bit distracted by finding the bee orchids were in bloom

 Some time later, the panel secured and the tank lifted (phew)

My spice rack tidying up a scruffy corner of the kitchen

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