Wednesday 29 November 2017

Monster Pallets Arrive

Tuesday 21 November 2017

We had been warned to expect two large pallets carrying the new solar electrics, but we had no idea...!  Also, we didn't know what type of vehicle would bring them, or how they would be delivered.  In the event, it wasn't very good - the lorry driver refused to come into the field, and just offloaded the pallets onto the road.  This is about 100 metres from the house.

They arrived on a Tuesday, and luckily we had Rowan at the house to give directions in Greek and to liaise with the driver.  As Tuesday is singing school with Rosa, we also had Brian, a friend who had come for a lesson and agreed to stay and help with the delivery.  In the event, the arrival was just as I was due to start my lesson, so I couldn't concentrate, so Rosa and I went to help too (with the lighter boxes and cables).

 Rowan, Dave and Brian wait to see what's coming out of the truck

 Number one enormous pallet, in danger of running off down the hill

 And a second one, not as big, but including two batteries over 100 kilos each.

 Brian and Dave start the gruelling marathon of shifting fifteen individual panels to the house.  Rosa and I were laughing at their steady pace, but then tried carrying one ourselves and refused to do another.

 Later that evening, as it slips towards dusk, we're panicking a bit, what to do about 100 kilo batteries by the roadside.  Can't lift 'em, can't leave 'em.  So I rang Robert at the hardware shop and asked if he could help.  No problem, he just had to collect his kids from school, drop them at football, collect his pickup and a friend and he'd be right there.

When they arrived, his friend turned out to be small and wiry and not very young.  I squeaked - they're very heavy boxes ...  but they just lifted them up and loaded them onto the back of the truck.  We were, to put it bluntly, gobsmacked!

 Having driven the batteries to the gate, they put two pieces of wood through the pallet and carried them into the house.  A little puffed, but game to do the second one immediately after.  We were still reeling in amazement.  Well done Team Albania!

 In situ, the batteries are enormous, they only just fit on the bit of floor we built for them, and within the width of the wall alcove.  We didn't expect anything so LARGE.

Dave, excited as a kid at Christmas, opens the boxes.

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