Wednesday 29 November 2017

Fixing up the Gate

31 October 2017

With the new bridge looking so smart, I then turned to making a better gate.  The big problem was to have something strong enough to hinge the gate from.  We had some rebar posts in the neighbour's fence, so I constructed a ladder frame between two of those.  Dave turned up to help me keep it square, and, him being wise in the ways of metal, suggested screwing the aluminium frame (a surplus bit of the scaffolding) to the wood.  I was going to tie it, so this was a great improvement.

 My ladder-frame fence post to the left, with Dave fixing in the aluminium - needed to keep the sheep out - which is why we have a gate at all

The finished product, very much more stylish than the old version, and much easier to use. 

With a tie back to keep it open.

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