Wednesday 29 November 2017

After the Plaster - the Limewash

6 - 13 November 2017

We are waiting week by week for the arrival of our two big purchases, the new solar electrics and the monster stove.  The electrics appear to be being delivered by continental drift, while the stove is continually being postponed because the weather forecast is poor.  However, this is, for the moment, a Good Thing, because both these arrivals will cause disruption and use up space.  While we have all the furniture in the middle of the room is not a good time for this.

So the pressure is on to get the living room walls finished, and the room reorganised.  Three coats of limewash coming up!

 First coat on the first four panels that were plastered (left end). Luckily the weather has been warm and sunny to help speed up the drying

 And coats on the panels over the stairs, which were plastered before Mum and Richie came to stay, but there was no time to paint them then.

 The living room, showing the obstacle course between one end and the other.

 Three coats completed on the stairs, pics above and below - showing how nice the wood looks when the masking tape comes off.

 The two big panels by the bedroom, fresh and sparkly white.

 Only the last two big panels in the living room still waiting for coats.  The weather has turned cold and wet, and I rushed the first coat of limewash onto not-quite-dry plaster, which probably put the drying process back a couple of extra days.  (Tut!)

 Finally, Monday 13th - the wall is pronounced 'done' and the masking tape comes off.  It looks lovely.

 The little corner over the arched window has also been plastered and limewashed.

Furniture back against the wall (mostly).  A bit of space to move again.

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