Saturday 29 April 2017

The Chicken Hut - building and positioning

15 - 19 April

Easter weekend.  We were so partied out we kept our heads down and made sure no-one invited us anywhere.  I tackled the overgrown garden, cutting back the overwhelmed paths, and Dave took on the Chicken Hut Challenge.  We've wanted a new chicken hut for some time, but we were determined to have a comfortable hut in a good-sized run.  Every time we've lost a chicken it has been in daylight, during a rainstorm when the chickens were free-ranging, but we were out.  So we want a run that is big enough for them to be sealed in if we're not here, and not be cramped.

Dave used the wood saved from the decking that was deconstructed when the camper van was taken away.  I don't seem to have any photos of the construction phase (my Dad had an emergency operation on the Monday, which distracted me a bit), only of the completed hut, after we'd lugged it into position. 

 It's a great hut - about one and a half by one metre; on stilts to provide shad underneath; with a fox-proof ladder (we hope); the left side in this picture folds all the way down for easy cleaning; the nesting box on the right has a lift-up lid; and the whole thing is going to be encased in a chicken-wire cage, with only the nesting box poking through for easy access to eggs. 

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