Saturday 29 April 2017

The Chicken Hut - residents

29 April 2017

Exhausted but triumphant, we set off bright and early on Saturday morning, half expecting the shop to say, 'Sorry, we didn't get any'.  But our pessimism was dispelled and the chickens were obtained, as well as a few kilos of feed and a bale of straw.  So, one big box of six chickens at three months old.  Surprisingly heavy, Dave said.  Only one was willing to come out when we opened it, so we named her 'Bravo'.  The others had to be tipped out.  They all huddled together for a while, until one tentatively tried scrabbling, then another found the food, then the water.  One or two explored around a bit, but mostly the huddle stayed under the hut, even though the day was overcast.  One dug down furiously until it made a dust bath where there was grass before, and seemed very content.

Dave and I had various cups of tea and did a lot of chicken watching.  The wiring still has to be completed around the top, but not today.

 The box arrives

 Inside the box

 'Bravo' makes the first move

Scary brave new world - best to huddle!

The Chicken Hut - wrapping the sides

26 - 28 April 2017

The camera ran out of battery about now, so I couldn't do any more stop motion stuff, much to Dave's relief.  We spent an arduous two days fixing the side wire and then 'sewing' the layers together with more wire to make an enclosed cage.  Finishing at 8.30 pm on Friday, having established that the chicken shop would have some new stock in on Saturday, and wanting to be mostly done by then.

The Chicken Hut - overhead and the door

24 April 2017

With all the uprights in position, we lashed a grid of cross-pieces overhead to hold up the roof wire (using 10mm bar).  Then we lashed the door and frame into the structure, fixing it with the metal strip full of holes for screwing pipes to wood.  Then the fun started: getting the chicken wire on top and lashing it to the structure.

The Chicken Hut - building the structure

21 - 24 April 2017

More of the same, days of it, surprisingly.  The ground is very dry and hard, and full of stones, so trying to keep the uprights upright was quite a challenge - and one we failed, mostly. 

Dave knocked in about 18 base supports (1.5m x 16mm: short and strong enough to get a lump hammer to) leaving 80-90 cm above ground, and then we wire-lashed taller, thinner bars to those (2m x 12mm).  In our tea breaks (frequent) I stripped the old polythene off the temporary door and frame we used before the front door came.

Lefkogaia table presentation

Sunday 22 April 2017

Vicky at the Yacht Club is very enthusiastic about the recycling project, and offered us a table at Sunday's table sale for us to present Lefkogaia to the expat community.

So after a couple of days of designing leaflets and the display, Dave and I set up our stall at the table sale to educate the masses.  Elena and George were able to call in to see us in action, and take a photo.

The Chicken Hut - laying the base wire

21 April 2017

First step - rather than dig down and put in concrete footings, we decided to lay one metre wide chicken wire flat on the ground, to be pegged down, to discourage digging under the perimeter.  Then we knocked in the main corner uprights, in heavy-duty 'rebar' (reinforcing rod).

The Chicken Hut - building and positioning

15 - 19 April

Easter weekend.  We were so partied out we kept our heads down and made sure no-one invited us anywhere.  I tackled the overgrown garden, cutting back the overwhelmed paths, and Dave took on the Chicken Hut Challenge.  We've wanted a new chicken hut for some time, but we were determined to have a comfortable hut in a good-sized run.  Every time we've lost a chicken it has been in daylight, during a rainstorm when the chickens were free-ranging, but we were out.  So we want a run that is big enough for them to be sealed in if we're not here, and not be cramped.

Dave used the wood saved from the decking that was deconstructed when the camper van was taken away.  I don't seem to have any photos of the construction phase (my Dad had an emergency operation on the Monday, which distracted me a bit), only of the completed hut, after we'd lugged it into position. 

 It's a great hut - about one and a half by one metre; on stilts to provide shad underneath; with a fox-proof ladder (we hope); the left side in this picture folds all the way down for easy cleaning; the nesting box on the right has a lift-up lid; and the whole thing is going to be encased in a chicken-wire cage, with only the nesting box poking through for easy access to eggs. 

Minding the shop

Thursday 13 April

On Tuesday 11th, Lefkogaia, the Lefkas co-operative trying to set up a self-funding recycling operation, had its official launch with speeches and an exhibition and an expression of support from the Mayor. 

The exhibition - of artwork by children, created from repurposed waste materials - was to run until Friday, and Dave and I were asked if we could do a stint of curating it.  So we smartened ourselves up and went to mind the shop for a morning.l

Final Fling

12 April 2017

Rob and Tanya return to the UK on Thursday, so I suggested they and their friends came up for a barbeque for their last evening.  From a small supper for a few people, the idea rather spread among people keen to see them before they leave, and we found ourselves with another party on our hands.

There was a storm forecast, but we escaped the rain, although we could see it over on the mainland, with a fabulous lightning show put on for our visitors

 A sudden party, everyone watching the skies

 After the lightning strikes, a crazy rainbow lightshow

 ... and pink clouds

Dave and Rob discuss plans for a cottage in the grounds ...!

Cleaning up

9 - 11 April

It didn't take too long to clear up, even with our new dedication to recycling.  We just collected, washed and sorted the cans and bottles and plates and cutlery. 

 One of the bins of collected can.  Dave says if you can judge the success of a party by the empties, then we had a really good one!

 Meanwhile, the garden has become overwhelmed by wildflowers.  This is one of the prepared beds, which we haven't yet mulched, so it's being reclaimed.

 These little harebell-like flowers are everywhere

 and the hawthorn is having a good year

 The house, looking like the party never happened.

Bobstock II

Saturday 8 April 2017

Our party kicked off from 7 pm, after the Yacht Club's Grand National party, and quickly filled up.  I had been rehearsing a song with Dave, Lucy, Panos and Dmitri - in order to have my public solo singing debut at the party.  A bit scary!

 The living room starts to fill up

 Anyone who wanted to dress up like it was 1969 all over again was encouraged: 
Tina and Heather

 Sara and Christina

 Dave, John on drums, Rob and Vinnie got the party rocking

 I went on and did my party trick (Wind of Change by the Scorpions) - with a rather quavery beginning, but we got the crowd going on the choruses (phew!)

 Then the real singer took over again

 Dave in action

And, very late at night, the younger generation take over the entertainment in the kitchen.  Without having learned the words!

Crazy hippies on the balcony: Heather, Andy and Tanya