Friday 27 January 2017

Starting the Year in the Garden

31 Dec/1 Jan 2017

With a week and a half between Christmas and our trip to the UK for Jonathan's wedding, we decided not to restart work in the house, because of the mess it would make.  Instead, we worked outside, Dave on painting the woodwork, and me developing garden areas for planting later in the year.

 Cutting some of the long grass and using it as a light mulch around the berry bushes

 Using cypress branches to mulch this area of berries, hoping to keep down the grass next spring.  Also, up by Dave, using sailcloth on the wild bramble bushes, hoping they will be seriously discouraged.

 Dave picks a self-seeded crop of potatoes

Spreading out from the wild bramble discouragement, more sailcloth that will repress grass growth and give us more area to plant this time next year.

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