Friday 27 January 2017

More Hugelling

15 January 2017

We've had a few days of rain, so to avoid putting the stove on too early, we've been getting on with lathing the remaining internal walls.  There are two sections of the outside of the bedroom walls, one section of the 'library', one section outside the pantry and various bits and pieces in the entry.  Slowly, slowly, we tackled the bedroom walls first, which included making a little shelf, and varnishing it, to move the modem and phone downstairs.

Then when the sun comes out, we work outdoors, Dave is still painting three coats of white paint onto the new 'trombe wall' structure, and I continued building the Hugelkultur bed.

 This is a photo I took while doing the washing - a view I haven't recorded in a while, it is the original garden area, near the camper van: a huge bush of oregano; some wild fennel we transplanted (cut short at the moment); the lemon tree, with its best ever crop; and the artichoke plants that just keep coming each year, despite never getting watered.

 The Hugel bed, covered with turf, the ground cleared at the front.  And a second bed waiting to be covered, just behind it.

Under the big olive, where I put manure last year, and covered with a sheet to inhibit grass regrowth.  Leaves had fallen on the sheet, so I tipped them on as mulch, and then seeded the area with some chicory, which is very similar to the local 'horta' (dandelions) and may take.

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