Friday 30 September 2016

Making Milestones

28 - 30 September 2016

Another three days of work on the interior plaster.  We're at the stage now where almost every day can be another milestone: that bit completed; all done up to there.  It's very exciting, and encourages us to press on through our usual level of time-for-tea slothfulness.

 Here's me coating the final bare bale in the living room.  It's been a very long wait for this milestone

 and Dave admiring the result - look, no straw!

 Meanwhile, outside, Beso has finished all the external under-eaves paintwork, and just has to come back to varnish the uprights that we want to remain wood colour.

 Our aloe vera has put out a flower!

 And a Praying Mantis showed up to inspect the works.  They're very good for the garden, and this one is huge!  It must be a good omen. 

On Thursday, the choir had nowhere to practice, so I invited them to the house.  It gave us an incentive to clean up, and get all the loose straw swept up. 

After choir, I was getting a lift to Dave's gig in Lefkas when the woodyard rang to say they'd loaded the truck and were on the way.  I said I was going out.  They sent it anyway.  We passed it on the way to Lefkas, and then got back at midnight to find it in the garden.

So we brought in the plywood and insulation roll (in green), amongst the choir chairs, to be sorted out in the morning.

Friday 30 Sept - Two of the top panels lathed and top coat plastered - working from the left.

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