Saturday 30 January 2016

Quiet New Year

Weds 30 Dec to Sat 2 Jan 2016

For the first time since having small children, we decided to have a quiet New Year  So we saw in the new year by stocking up the log stores, doing a bit of gentle plastering, and taking Robbie's dog for some decent walks.

 A good day's chainsawing and chopping to fill up the small log store and part of the larger one.

 We've been having cat flap wars with a local tom cat who wants to come in, eat the cat food and spray everywhere to claim his territory.  After he'd broken in through polythene in various places, worked out how the cat flap operated, and generally made a nuisance of himself, I sealed up everything - but one evening I forgot to close the plywood flap that we open to reach in and unlatch the front door from outside.  Next morning there were these great gouges out of the newly third-coated wall by the door, where he'd scrabbled for purchase before getting in and spraying the ground floor yet again. Eugh!

 On a walk around Nidri, we found an incredibly posh new bus stop has been installed, so Dave and the dog posed in it for this photo

 Just to prove we had a quiet NYE, we did a bit of the interior wall in the living room on the 1st of Jan.

 A lovely long walk in the hills on 2nd Jan.

Followed by the essential New Year tradition of a small beer in warm sunshine at the Elite cafe

 until the sun sets and the mainland turns pink.

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