Saturday 30 January 2016

Another section done

29 Jan 2016

Finally, the tortured section around the front door is complete with three coats of plaster.  It has been a marathon, this bit, and I'm so glad it's finished.

 I'm rather pleased with the curves around the front door, I think it's nice and welcoming.  I cleaned up the paving, and used the last half-barrow of plaster to put some paving on the left-side window sill.  I'll try and grout this soon, so the area will have a more finished feel.

 Dave's band had a gig, with Vinnie as guest bass, because Panos had to be in Athens.

 And no rest for the rock god: now we've finished the latest section of plastering, there's windows to be painted and limewash applied.  We extended the scaffolding to full height, and up Dave went.

with just time to do our Greek homework in the sunshine before our lesson.

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