Monday 28 December 2015

Christmas house guest

15-18 December 2015

It's that time of year again - when Robbie and Sue go on holiday and leave us with the mutt.  Last time it was three weeks, which felt too long.  This time we find it is two months -which feels like a life sentence. 

 Not that the dog is any bother, but she needs walks and attention and we're very focused on the house, so she gets short shrift.

 Our Christmas tree, from an overgrown cypress threatening to block one of our access paths.

 I'm still using up barrow-remnants of plaster on the inside panels, whenever I've got the plaster - and the energy.  I'd like this corner done before Christmas, so that the dining table can go here.

 Don't they look well-behaved?

And all this time, the 'nothing-to-report-but-more-plastering' plastering has been going on.  This area is a serious challenge for the scaffolding, and it is a miracle that it fits where it is shown in this photo - clearance under the beam of about one inch!  Dave has done all the window fitting, painting and membrane-meshing while I've been dangling off the scaffolding with handfuls of plaster to reach all the difficult nooks.

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