Friday 28 February 2014

Quite Big Fat Greek Wedding Party

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Well, we finally got round to it.  Not quite one year after the actual ceremony in Scotland, we threw a party in Nidri for friends and family out here.  Lots of lovely people turned up, Robbie re-married us dressed as the Pope, Pete, Dave's brother, gave a moving and funny speech and Vinnie brought the house down as a bumbling best man.  Dave and the boys played, with unexpected input from Geoff and other Mark, so we danced the night away.  Lots of fun, Jessica and Spiros were wonderful hosts and put on a great meal.  We'd asked people to pay for their own food and drinks other than wine, and we put on the wine and entertainment.  As everyone here is in varying degrees living hand-to-mouth, people are willing to chip in as a party wouldn't otherwise be possible. 

 After setting up the gear - an iconic shot of Steamboat Rooster (and Colonel the dog) enjoying a last few moments of sunshine

 Bridesmaids need hats, but at Carnival time there's not much choice, so I had a pair of Brideswitches instead: (Jessica and Amanda from Art Party).  Even Dave was persuaded to put on a fluorescent bow tie and yellow braces.  Jessica's daughter also decided to be in the picture!

 The room starting to fill up.  In the end we had over a hundred guests, and had to cram them in wherever we could.

 The camera doesn't behave well over a distance, so the rest of the photos are poor.  Here's Robbie re-marrying us!

 And Pete, at the top table, rousing the crowd to recite 'Ooh ecky, do I have to?' - a phrase from Dave's childhood.  Embarrassing for him, hilarious for the rest of us.

 No photos of Vinnie's masterpiece, probably because everyone was laughing too hard to lift a camera.  On with the band, everyone dancing, with musicians interchanging all night just having fun.

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