Saturday 14 December 2013

Raising the stakes

Weds 11 December 2013

The following morning, while I waited for the boys to wake up, I moved the last 10 rocks to outline the proposed Winter Garden - this spot stays in the sun all day, when it shines, so it will eventually be walled round with a little fireplace for sitting out on cold but sunny days.  Future dreams ...

Then I started to construct the new scaffolding tower, brought out from the UK.  It's very clever - lightweight but strong - it is part of our wildly generous wedding pressie from cousin Judith - ever so very many thanks, Judith - the scaffolding's lovely

Dave appeared and helped put up the next section.  It has another section again, so it goes up to about 5 metres in all, but we don't need all that just yet.

Jono surfaced a little later, and was happy to raise the stakes - shaping and installing bale impalers on the base frame.  'Just call me Vlad' he said.

Working on round the building

while Dave and I went on constructing window boxes.  
Overjoyed to have another job getting done at the same time.

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