Saturday 14 December 2013

Little boxes

Tuesday 10 December 2013

On to the second window box.  They're taking longer than expected.  We've only got a small jigsaw to cut the plywood with, so that's not able to be done with industrial speed and efficiency - but mostly the cuts have only got a little wobble - and it won't matter once the bales are around them. 

Then we put the pieces together, anxiously lining up the edges so that they fit snugly.  They are heavy when made, so we want them to go in first time.

This is the second box seen through the first one, facing east to the sea.  This photo isn't sophisticated enough, but the boxes line up perfectly on a mountain peak away on the mainland.  Very pretty!

Here it is, the second box, in position.  The next challenge is the door frame to its left.

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