Saturday 21 December 2013

Baled Out - Thursday afternoon

We carried on after lunch.  Mark from the band came at 2ish, and Rowan, who had been at work all day, arrived mid-afternoon and virtually built the higher levels single-handed!

 Most of the third course was on by the time we stopped for lunch

 Mark took on bale splitting
 Lin shared painting with Jade

 Robbie and Pete did the lifting

 Everyone stopped for afternoon tea, and then Rowan arrived, just as the rest of us were flagging, and injected a new wave of energy ...

 Installing a lintel ladder frame over the music room door and window, shot from the mezzanine landing

 Making a late lunch for Rowan, to keep him fuelled up

Our first part-bale in course five - cut and squeezed and hammered by Rowan on one side and me on the other - fitting snugly under the eaves.  We've reached the roof!  (Even if it is the lowest point)

Rowan was eventually persuaded to stop as the light was going.  I had pre-warned Ola Kala George that I was bringing nine hungry eco-builders for supper, and he had made us a fantastic stew with a cabbage, leek and orange salad starter.  Everyone was very impressed, very full and justifiably proud of themselves!

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