Friday 25 October 2013

Surprise Return

23 - 25 October 2013

Well, would you believe it?  It was Tuesday, the band was practising, and Dave got a text from Rob saying he really wanted to come back to stay in the house and help us build for a week.  So I got on the internet and found that the most convenient flight for him turned out to be the following morning, check-in at 6am.  Suddenly, on Wednesday lunchtime, we were running up to Igoumenitsa to meet the Corfu ferry (after putting a couple of mixes on the wall first) and, hey, it's been all go ever since.

 Pick up in Corfu, neatly fitted in between wall building in the morning and the Steamboat Rooster gig in the evening.

 Rob and Dave belting out karaoke 'Paranoid' later that evening.

 Next morning, late night notwithstanding, we put four mixes on the wall so fast (with both Dave and Rob making mixes and supplying stones to the build site), and by mid afternoon we were just deciding to siesta, when Mad Robbie and Sue said they were coming round to film us for their next movie (we are cast as flower-power eco-worriers) so we changed and performed ...

 ... before getting to the Yacht Club quiz in the evening, having gained Pete who also arrived from the UK and needed a bed for the night before catching the Meganissey ferry.  (We won the quiz!)

 And another strong start the following morning - with three labourers to keep the work moving, it was frightening how fast that sleepy wall was moving along, even if there did seem to be rather a lot of watching going on.  It does seem to be traditional in Greece that several people need to stand around watching in order for work to progress.

 There's me, trying to live up to the supply of rocks and mortar

 When I finally called a halt to the wall building, collapsing in an overworked heap, the guys just got on with backfilling the ditch, now the pipes are laid.  While also planning a barbeque supper before going out to a rare televised 'Boro match.  Unstoppable, these guys!

 Done!  Time for a siesta.

Halfway along the Music Room back wall - loads of progress - hurrah!

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