Friday 25 October 2013

Mum - week two

Sunday 6 - 13 October 2013

Dave was back for week two, having been away skippering for the wild and windy previous week.  There was another storm at the weekend, and Mum made me staple polythene all round the otherwise unprotected corner of Dave's and my temporary bedroom.  Lucky she did, we lay there Sunday night being very grateful the rain wasn't lashing in.

 So, with Dave back, and the weather rather overcast and gloomy, but not actually drizzling, we got on with building.  Dave made mixes, Mum collected small stones, and I got on with the wall.

Look at the state of my boots, a spider had moved in over the last few weeks of inactivity!

The polythened wall around our temporary bedroom

Dave's ditch moving on in between making mixes

 The wall, edging past the toilet and bathroom sink outflow pipes,

 Some little gravel steps I made to make access easier for Mum.

A cold snap - we rushed out to buy two hot water bottles and a gas heater for the night - but had to keep busy for warmth during the day: so I set Mum to sawing laths, while I nailed them up.

Here she is - posing in front of the wall we're building.  (It being too wet for outside work).

Back on the wall, a day later.  The mixing, stone collecting and building team.

And the final day, back on the beach, having searched the island for a sheltered bay where the waves weren't lashing.  Mum determined to go in the sea, but then realised she had forgotten her costume, so we had a quick change, and she ventured in.

 This is where we got to - the bathroom back wall completed up to the corner, with extra apron to protect the pipes, and below, Dave's ditch finally piped off the edge of the mound.

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