Thursday 31 October 2013

Double ditch!

Sunday - Tuesday 27 - 29 October 2013

Saturday night Dave and Rob played a gig in the Devine Bar in Nidri, tho' I stayed home all partied out.  We took Sunday off, and laid around like vegetables, until the evening, when we went to Lefkas to support Geoff, Mark and Rob playing acoustic guitar at the Irish Rover Bar.  And on Monday we started work again, bright and early.

This was the great moment that Dave and Rob completed the ditch's circumnavigation of the house.  We had planned for them to stand at each side of the final earth barrier, waving little Greek and British flags, and shaking hands, but we were all too tired to either pose or go find the camera, so I took these photos later in the evening.  The weather has continued lovely and sunny, great for me, working on the north side of the house, but exhausting for Dave and Rob in the sun.

I reached the north-east corner of the music room - only seven metres left to finish the straw-bale section of wall.

This photo shows, on the right - the corner I'd reached while Mum was here, in the centre, where we'd got to when Rob arrived, and to the left - the stretch done while Rob's been here.

This is our sunken soak-away, topped up with earth from the ditch, another of Rob's jobs.

I went off to art on Tuesday, while D & R lined and piped the ditch, cleared the loose earth mounds and started to fill with clean gravel.  

Much to our surprise, we hosted a party on Tuesday evening.  Mad Robbie wanted to do some more filming, including a night-time bonfire scene, so he and Sue decided we'd have a barbeque.  Several people got wind of this and turned up with beers and sausages.  Dave, Mark and Vinnie were trying to have band practice, but eventually had to give up and join in.  The fire risk (we have a wooden house full of straw !!!) had me twitchy, but everyone was exceptionally well behaved, and stayed 'outside'.  This meant that they all sat on the wall (the bit I'd done in July) - which stood this test of endurance remarkably well.

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