Saturday 12 January 2013

NYE - The Evening

31 December 2012

We took Sid the dog back to Pete and Ed, and while having a little drink, saw this incredible Impressionist sunset from the boat.  No filters, honest.

Later that evening, after Dave had ordered a bottle of champagne in Mamma Mia's, Pete - without warning - had quieted the room (even the bazouki band, after several tries!) and announced our engagement.  Lots of people were there that we knew, and we received lots of congratulations.  Everyone asked about a ring - but I don't tend to do rings (they're very dangerous on boats and building sites) so Dave got off easy there.

 Pete and Ed responding to the romance in the air!  Or the bubbly in the glass!

 Spiros blowing his own trumpet.  Lots of loud Greek music.

Rather later on, into the New Year, Spiros announced that cakes were being handed out.  I was a bit squiffy on the sparkly by this time, and didn't really follow what was going on.  But I did appreciate a plate of cakes landing on the table.  None of the others were interested in cake, so I took the nearest slice.  I vaguely remember thinking that my cake was behaving a bit strangely, the bottom seemed to have fallen out of it.  After a while I looked among the cake crumbs on the tablecloth and found a coin wrapped in foil.  Curious, I took it to Jessica, to see if it was what everyone seemed to be looking for.  As it turned out, I'd found the lucky 10 cents, and won ourselves a free meal in Mamma Mia!  A nice omen!

 My handmade designer engagement ring, hurriedly fettled out of the champagne bottle wire and the lucky 10 cents!

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