Tuesday 7 August 2012

What next?

Friday 3 August 2012

After a week of emergency boat engine fixing, for the boats Dave looks after, we managed to finish clearing up the site just in time for a visit from Constantine.  He brought a foreman, Takis, to see the job, and to supervise when he wasn't available.  We liked Takis.  He's tall and rangy, and walked around the site in bare feet.  At least I'd cleared up all the wood with nails sticking out.

The plan is to get a digger and refil the structure with the excavated earth.  Dave and I had agreed what we wanted underfloor, so I put it on a plan and we explained it all to Constantine and Takis.

The bedroom (top) and the living space (bottom right) want earth floors - so we fill up with soil to 25 cm from the top, well tamped down, then we will get a layer of gravel and then successively fine graded soil which is then oiled with linseed oil and waxed.  Apparently it ends up warm and comfortable and tough.

The utilities, from bottom left through the middle - entry, bathroom, linen store, pantry, kitchen - will be stone flagged, so the soil needs to be infilled up to the top of the concrete, and then gravel and flags laid to bring the surface up to the top of the hardwood beam to be laid along the top of the concree plinth.

And finally, my little root cellar to be left empty, for more concrete to be poured in the foundation.

We are both off on a skippering trip from Wednesday, so it may well be done without us here.  Slightly worrying - but what could possibly go wrong?


  1. Hello Sarah and David,

    I found your blogspot a couple of days ago following a google search by "cob house plan"...

    I am from corfu and have long been interested in traditional architecture and natural materials etc..

    I have been to Lefkada but was only for a day so I do not recall whether traditional architecture there includes "soil brik" structures. Here in Corfu this was very common in the country side and people would usually build them on top of a stone foundation.

    Lately I have looked into the cobing technique which I find it to be a variation of the technique used here in the past.

    I have made loads of research to it and have even made my own house plan for what my future home will look like. All earthy and energy efficient.

    Looking into your blog I realised that you are using concrete at the foundations... I tried to find a post that explains the reason why you chose to do this but I didn't.

    So I wanted to ask you why you decided on using concrete.

    I Know Lefkas is within a highly sismic zone and the area can give up to 6.5 magnitude quakes and I realise that your future house is going to be a proper house and not a miniature... However considering that the house will not be high, your roof will be light, and cob is a strong material (1/3 of concretes strength) I wonder what was the main reason why you did that (drainage problems maybe?).

    I don't know why you made this blog but I have definately benefited from it as it does have an educational element to it. As a step to step quide to building a cob house...

    The other day I watched a program on tv about some people who make 5 day cod seminars on the mainland, that's every August... 80 Euros all inclusive. I thought I may take it next summer and I am letting you know about just in case you think it would be usefull for you too.

    You've done a great job..


    1. Hi Spyros,
      It's great to hear from you, especially that there is a 'soil brick' tradition in Corfu - it sounds similar to adobe brick.
      The reason we are using concrete is simply to meet building regulations. We would have much preferred not to. But we can't get a permit unless the structure meets structural engineering standards for a seismic zone. There are no statistics for cob, so although it is a load-bearing material we could've spent years trying to prove to the authorities that it was strong and flexible enough. We chose instead to go with the concrete ring-beam and wood frame which meet the standards, and then infil with cob.
      I hope your building plans work out. If you come to Lefkas at all we would be very pleased to meet you and show you our site. Email us on srowanmurray@hotmail.com if you'd like to make contact.
      Best wishes
      Sara & Dave
