Friday 31 August 2012

George & Fillie stay another week

14 to 21 August 2012

Most of George's friends had gone home, so that only he and Fillie were still staying on the boat.  The boat had developed engine wiring trouble, so they were grounded for a few days, but at least we weren't in Italy and could sort it out.

We all went to a gig to see Dave and Rob play at the Red Tower Hotel a few miles north of Nidri, and George said he and Fillie never photograph well together.  One or the other always lets the photo down.  So I took up the challenge - what do you think?  This one looks okay:

Maybe not this one!

 Then there's me and George:

And me and Dave

Then, later in the week, we managed to get out in the boat together for an overnight trip to our favourite bay on Meganissey.  Look how useful a handy rock can be for boat mooring.

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