Thursday 2 December 2010

Recycling wine (boxes)

Wednesday 24 November 2010

[Nick's 50th birthday - when your not-so-very-much-older sibling reaches 50 it requires a moment of reflection - mine was along the lines of  'However did I get to be here, doing this?'  Mysterious ways, indeed.]

We had bought two very large pieces of hardboard for the ceiling, to be nailed under the rafters and hold the insulation in the loft.  In a moment of joint brain failure we decided it would be less hassle to cut the oversized amount off one of the sheets, instead of half off each.

Therefore, it was only when we were nearly all nailed up - not an easy job, and one a relationship doesn't easily survive - that we remembered why it would be good to have equal sized pieces that would meet in the middle where we had arranged for a handy joist to be. 

So we had to put in ladder pieces, and nail to them.  and then we thought we'd better put the insulation in that section, as it would be difficult to do from the edges.

Our plan is to put silver foil under the insulation, but we didn't have any yet, but we did have four wine box inners that Bill at Bill's bar had given us.  Just enough to do the one section we needed.  I cut the foil into flat sheets and hosed them down, while Dave shaped the insulation infill.

Then finally, we could put the second piece up, and our ceiling was done.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see it coming together, well done, looks tiring work though. xxx
