Friday 8 October 2010


Tuesday 5 October

Here is our haystack, well wrapped up against the forecast rain.

We did our first serious 'scrumping' today - there were some broken kerb stones by the side of the new bypass, dumped in a heap. In the interests of environmental clean-up and our need for strong base blocks for the shed, we helped ourselves. They are seriously heavy, those kerbstones!

We also got started on clearing back the undergrowth a foot or so to make space for the shower shed. I tackled this job with the secateurs, until Dave decided this was too slow and started in with the mattock.

The undergrowth is a mixture of brambles and the indigenous prickly oak, a small leaved tree like miniature holly, which grows acorns. It's very pretty, but between that and the brambles, we got rather lacerated.

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