Friday 29 October 2010

Catching Up

Sorry it's been so long between updates. Various reasons, but mostly indolence.

Sunday 10 October we went yacht racing.

We took the boat up to Lefkas town for the evening of Friday and went through the bridge Sunday morning for an 11 am start. The race was from the lighthouse on the beach at the end of Lefkas channel up to and around the first starboard buoy of the Preveza channel.

Just to demonstrate how weird the wind conditions are here: we raced northward with the wind on the nose (making really good time, Tropi likes upwind); reached just short of the buoy: sat for 30 utterly frustrating minutes in a very localised flat calm, watching all the other yachts catch up, and drifting slowly backwards on the 'tidal' flow out of Preveza channel; then, when the breeze finally reached us, raced southwards with the wind on the nose again!

We almost caught the others up, only seconds behind them on the line!

Monday 11 October

Got back up to the land, although the weather was overcast and threatening rain. Dave got stuck into planning the footings for the shed. I really should've been helping him!

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