Saturday 9 October 2010

The Joy of Socks

Friday 8 October

Despite being a little the worse for wear after our late lunch (and a few beers) yesterday, we went up to finish clearing the shed site. The weather has now turned a little chilly in the mornings, and there had been rain overnight. We gratefully put socks and boots on, much more comfortable and safer than sandals when tackling the prickly undergrowth or wielding the mattock.

We needed gravel to lay under the base stones for the shed. The earth on site is very stony, especially where the roadway has been bulldozed. Digging down there is soil only a few centimetres below a layer of gravelly stones. So we established a process for sifting out the stones to get the gravel we needed: a piece of small gauge wire over the wheelbarrow. This had the advantage of creating some nice usable soil, so I made a space for a herb garden where the soil could be tipped.

Dave, caught short by a Mythos moment, back from doing what bears do.


  1. Enjoying your blog very much but the gaps between updates are just FAR TOO LONG! Come on chaps, I know you're busy but pull your fingers out. Me and my boss Ian rely on your blog to cheer up our dreary working day. Oh, and more photos of Dave topless please.(That's from me NOT my boss.)

  2. Ogod, Sorry Mands, I have a load of stuff to write up. Will avoid boozing tonight and get it all done. Don't make any plans for Monday morning at work. And will try to encourage D to take his shirt off, although it's getting chillier! (All this hard labour is doing wonders for his muscle tone, don't you think?) Sara
