Monday 6 September 2010

Weekend bits n' pieces

George reckons I should put this photo on. One of our first purchases for the building site was, of course, a sofa, two armchairs and a coffee table. They do have cushions, but when we leave they are put away and we chain the rest to a tree.

When we're working, we chase the shade with the sofa, so as to have somewhere comfy to collapse between exertions.

We got some bits done over the weekend, despite rain bucketing down on Saturday and Dave working on Sunday.

I'm still not happy driving round by road, especially since the car's still sick and I'm less confident in the van, so I walked across the bottom field as I was on my own.

I did some more levelling, and Dave came over after work, first visit on the motorbike, which we photographed because it looks good.

Two more pics below: a view from the bottom right corner (NE) and a close up of a thorny scrubby thing that is actually wild asparagus. In April it throws out tiny spears (about 1-2mm diameter) which are delicious eaten raw or shown to boiling water for a brief moment.

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