Thursday 9 September 2010

Collecting the wood

Wednesday 8 September

Back to the woodyard, loaded Shrimpy's van up. Far too many 4 metre pieces, terrified all the way back that they'd slip off the roof and decapitate someone, but apparently I was just being silly - the boys had it all under control. We off loaded in the field next door, as the big van won't go round the corner on the track. We then piled them in the back of the little van and shuttled a bit closer to our patch, but in the end we just had to carry them the last 50 metres.

A thankless task: dodging yellow thistles that skewer through your shoes; sweat dripping; curious flies buzzing close; crickets sniggering in the olive trees, and everywhere the hot sweet resinous smell of inland Greece.

We were done, with just time to get lunch and a wash before going to set up the band to play at a private wedding party at Villa Octavius in Raxi.

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