Wednesday 22 September 2010

Dances with Decking

Sara: "Look, this is how you bang a screw in."
Dave: "I'm sure that's not right, pet."

Dave: "See, if you use the electric drill, they go in much easier."
Sara: "I'm not convinced. Go on, let me have another go with the hammer ..."

Despite technical differences, we finally got the decking finished. Hurrah! For some reason it looks rather like a stage - just begging for a rock festival field-warming. Roll on 'Nidri-stock' (anything Jimi Hendrix can do, we can do ... surely?)

We had a little victory twirl across the boards, but the effect of manual work in the full sun is extreme personal slipperiness - which probably wasn't taken into account by the people who designed the waltz.

Ian and Linda came to inspect the works:

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