Wednesday 30 June 2021

Wrapping up June

19 - 30 June 2021

So, we started making plans to drive our electric car across Europe to the UK.  Our car is a 2018 Nissan Leaf, which has a range of about 250 km between charges, however, to be on the safe side, we tend to look for a charger every 150-200 km (especially if there are mountains).  In miles, that means stopping about every 100 miles to charge.  This is not a problem for us, we don't have to rush, and we will be traveling through parts of the world we don't know and want to see.  And at our age, our bladders don't last as long as the car battery!

Initial plans involve taking the ferry to Ancona and then driving through Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Holland to sail from Rotterdam to Hull.  There are lots of Covid hoops to jump through, but currently the word is that travel is mostly okay.  It may be worse coming back, though.  We will camp our way along this route, taking about seven days.  What an adventure!

Today I had my second jab in Vasiliki, the most amazing element of which was seeing loads of these virulent green frogs in one of the streams that comes down to the beach.  

Bad news at the pond - one of the original gang of four goldfish was floating belly-up.  No sign what killed it, but it may just have grown too large for the overstuffed pond to sustain.  The only one remaining now is the one with long flowing tail and fins, which I am in the process of putting in a painting of the pond - so I hope it continues to survive.

Detail of 'By the Pond', work in progress.

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