Wednesday 30 June 2021

Mid June

 8 - 14 June 2021

The pond has gone very clear, which is a good sign, it means the plants are able to process all the nutrients the fish are dumping in the water.  It will get harder as it gets hotter, however, but it’s nice to see a good start to the summer.

Three lily blooms at once, that’s a first!

Meanwhile, in the UK, where I can’t reach her, my Mum turned 90.  My brother took her out for a fancy lunch to celebrate.  After Dave and I are both fully jabbed and 14 days post-second shot, we will make our way over to the UK, hoping that the way will be open for us.

Dave and the Lefkas Shantymen performed for Brian’s memorial, and ended up in his brother’s pub, singing their hearts out all afternoon.

How lovely

The apricot harvest in its entirety.  This was a terribly poor year, just a few windfalls and a couple off the tree, but all needing bits cut out of them.  Last year we were overwhelmed with fruit and I had to make chutney with the excess.  Maybe it was too dry earlier in the spring.

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