Wednesday 27 January 2021

Feeding the soul and feeding the soil

 17-20 Jan 2021

Sunday 17th was a glorious day: cold, sunny and dry; unlike all our recent rain and storms.  We declared ourselves on holiday and went for a long walk from Dessimi over the saddle to the east side of the island, overlooking Skorpios. 

We reached the sea to find it startlingly turquoise, with snowy mountains in the distance, but so bitingly cold and windy we couldn't stay long before heading back into the more sheltered interior.

On the way back, the view over Dessimi bay towards Atoko.

When the cat makes you feel guilty but you don't know why!

We had an unexpected flurry of potato plants, must be from spuds left in the soil.  Dave thought he'd check them out, but they weren't any good to eat.  Next time we'll pull them up when they first show.

Our prize cabbage - ready to cut and turn into sauerkraut - our favourite.

The new barbeque still doesn't have a downspout and water butt, but as it isn't mosquito season I left a large bin under the hole in the gutter to collect rainwater.  The bin was overflowing, so I dipped a bucket and added 10% worm juice collected from the worm bin - and distributed it around the garden.  Our stocks of worm juice weren't used up by the time the butt was empty, so I'll let it refill, and do some more. 

Worm juice doesn't do any good in storage!  Worm juice on the left, Comfrey-steeped water in the white bucket on the right - all waiting to be distributed into the soil.

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