Tuesday 29 December 2020

Drizzle and Errands

 3 - 13 December 2020

 A week of drizzle and errands and very little done in the garden.

Checking out the boat, which is in the boatyard for the winter.  A couple of quick jobs done, and some decisions made for winter work to do

The car was called in for a software update, so we took the opportunity to have a walk around Nikopolis, our local significant Roman ruins.  We spotted loads of nettles and blackberries, but because we had exchanged our car for a courtesy car we didn't have anything to collect them with (gloves for nettles) or in (box for blackberries).  We decided to come back when we collect the car, but two days later it was tipping down and we didn't bother!

On the way back, another impromptu visit to the garden centre for cabbages, and this fabulous plant.  I was very impressed to find out it was turmeric!

Out for a walk down our track - watched with suspicion by the neighbour's sheep - who are dedicated to raiding our kale

The first of the cauliflowers is starting to swell, and looking cute and adorable.  Our friend Amanda describes them as the 'puppies of the vegetable world'
And the villains of the piece: all these cabbage whites from one broccoli plant.  I've never seen them in December before.  It must be the unseasonably warm weather encouraging a second breeding season.
The log I have balanced over the pond to encourage kingfishers.
Build it and they will come (fingers crossed).


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