Tuesday 29 December 2020

Chicken-processed Straw

 2 Dec 2020

About two weeks ago we put a straw bale in with the chickens, and split it open for them to 'process'.  This entails a lot of scratching through it to pick out seeds, and adding a little nutrient as they go along.  Now we wanted to get the straw onto the dormant beds to protect them for the winter.

Dave barrowing, while I forked up the scrabbled straw

Straw tipped onto the terraced veg beds

Another un-scrabbled bale was used around the new trees, covering the cardboard, to discourage weed growth and to gradually rot down and add biomass to develop the soil along the Mulberry trench.

The rest of the un-scrabbled bale went the distance and finished off the NE corner: figs, sweet chestnut, avocado, nectarine, robinia and new lemon.  Job done.

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