Monday 28 September 2020

Back to the Land

 24-26 September 2020

We've had so much rain in the past few days - a summer's worth in a weekend.  Our total water storage capacity of 11,500 litres was restocked to overflowing in one night, and the pond keeps bursting its banks.  All this damp means that finally the ground is soft enough to do the weeding - and the sky remains mostly overcast which makes it pleasant.  The annual veg beds are overgrown with a spreading carpet of grass.

Kale poking through the grass

Sweet potatoes struggling to make space for themselves

The old kale removed, and some celery and parsley plants discovered at one end of the worst affected bed.

Dave cleared the pea bed so he could get some seeds in quick.

More of the big bed done - but it's going to take quite a while.  Luckily there's more rain forecast!

Our delivery of well-rotted goat manure.  Hurrah!  Always pleased when this stuff arrives.  30 bags to distribute round the garden as we clear the weeds.

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