Monday 28 September 2020

Back to the Land

 24-26 September 2020

We've had so much rain in the past few days - a summer's worth in a weekend.  Our total water storage capacity of 11,500 litres was restocked to overflowing in one night, and the pond keeps bursting its banks.  All this damp means that finally the ground is soft enough to do the weeding - and the sky remains mostly overcast which makes it pleasant.  The annual veg beds are overgrown with a spreading carpet of grass.

Kale poking through the grass

Sweet potatoes struggling to make space for themselves

The old kale removed, and some celery and parsley plants discovered at one end of the worst affected bed.

Dave cleared the pea bed so he could get some seeds in quick.

More of the big bed done - but it's going to take quite a while.  Luckily there's more rain forecast!

Our delivery of well-rotted goat manure.  Hurrah!  Always pleased when this stuff arrives.  30 bags to distribute round the garden as we clear the weeds.

Back to Sea

 21 - 23 September 2020

At last, a trip out in our new (old) boat.  Two nights at sea, getting the hang of the new fittings and re-acquainting ourselves with the old.  Very glad we've got her again, although there is no rational basis for having done so!

Tropical Storm

 18 - 20 September 2020

Sara returned from the UK after a week, but we found that taking the boat out was still not possible, as a serious tropical storm, a 'medi-cane' (Mediterranean hurricane) was forecast for the weekend.

The wind was starting to build on Friday, with bouncing seas breaking on Nydri beach.

Saturday, after the worst of it - the beach on the pavement and the sea in the road.  Lefkada didn't get the worst of it, which was further south - a lot of damage to seafront properties and boats in Kefalonia and Ithaka.

We were a bit concerned that we would be proud new owners of Tropi for less than two weeks - but she weathered the storm in Kelvin's care - held well off the pontoon.  Phew!

Sara came back from baby-sitting in the UK to find the house overrun by a toddler and a baby - Rowan's sister and family had come to stay while visiting her Dad, Pete, who had been in hospital.

All of a Sudden

 7 - 16 September 2020

As we were at Kelvin's, signing the boat papers, we got info that Sara's sister-in-law had gone into labour.  This continued for two days, and then we heard she was having an emergency caesarean.  All plans for taking out the boat were postponed, and Sara leapt on a flight to Heathrow to be there for Wednesday tea-time.

Being met at the airport in my brother's shiny electric company car

New baby comes home

Having some quality Auntie time

The new family gets out for a walk a few days later.

My Mum, who is in the 'bubble', playing table tennis in the garden.

Meanwhile, back in Greece, Dave was exploring wild places on his bicycle

My main job was helping build nursery furniture

For which I received a 'Best Auntie Ever' t-shirt from my new nephew.

A bit of a U-turn

4 - 6 September 2020

Having been determined that we wouldn't buy back the boat, we only had to see her newly reconditioned and in sparkling form to change our minds radically.

Viewing the boat on Friday.  She looks very good.  Lets think about it over the weekend.

By Sunday, we'd made the decision to buy her back. Madness!  
Dave checking out the electric outboard to see if it still works.