Sunday 30 June 2019

Salad garden

4 - 6 June 2019

Dave and I had a sudden urge to do something about the terribly overgrown little raised salad bed outside the kitchen door.  The bed is falling apart, and full of gone-to-seed herbs, but it didn't take much to quickly weed and compost mulch it.  While returning from dropping my brother at the airport we'd stopped at a garden centre and bought four flower pots to turn into 'olla' pots.  Basically, you stick two pots together at the wide end, block up one hole, bury them in the soil, and fill with water.  The idea is that the water gradually seeps out through the terracotta and is delivered to plant roots in a gentle, continuous drip.  We made two and set them up surrounded by tomato seedlings.  We may not have used the right sticky-stuff, though, because they don't seem to be working too well.

 Mum watching the work, in our junkyard of old furniture, with one Ikea reclining chair built for her comfort.

 The rapidly fixed up garden, with olla pots poking through the soil, and a few new plantings of coriander, tomato and squash.

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